Going along with #JavaScriptmas in 24 days
I was scrolling through my LinkedIn feed (scrolling is a deal breaker* of course) one evening and I came along a post from freecodeCamp about Scrimba's 24 days long coding challenge which will be given as daily basis. As I want to learn and understand JavaScript properly, I signed up for that event. And honestly it was helpful and exciting to approach a new problem every day and after some brainstorming I was able to solve almost (I have a few unfinished problems) all of the problems. So, here's a list of solutions I have solved. And I will update the unfinished ones as soon as they are done.
- News feed scrolling breaks my intended deal or at-least breaks the attention I need to complete my stuffs. *
Day 1: Candies- Solution
Day 2: Deposit Profit- Solution
Day 3: Chunkey Monkey- Solution
Day 4: Century From Year- Solution
Day 5: Reverse a String- Solution
Day 6: Sort by Length- Solution
Day 7: Count Vowel Consonant- Solution
Day 8: Rolling Dice- [TBD]
Day 9: Sum Odd Fibonacci Numbers- Solution
Day 10: Adjacent Elements Product- Solution
Day 11: Avoid Obstacles- Solution
Day 12: Valid Time- Solution
Day 13: Extract each Kth- Solution
Day 14: Maximal Adjacent Difference- Solution
Day 15: JavaScript Carousel- Buggy Solution [This will be updated. ]
Day 16: Insert Dashes- Solution
Day 17: Different Symbols Naive- Solution
Day 18: Array Previous Less- Solution
Day 19: Alphabet Subsequence- Solution
Day 20: Domain Types- Solution
Day 21: Sum of 2- Solution
Day 22: Extract Matrix Column- Solution
Day 23: Social Media Input- [TBD]
Day 24: Test Your Agility- [TBD]